The Problem
Maritime transport is essential to the world’s economy. Over 90 percent of the global trade is carried across ocean. It is, by far, the most cost-effective way to move en masse goods and raw materials around the world.
However, the maritime industry is also prone to rampant corruption.
Corrupt practices include
simple one-time demands
long-term sophisticated schemes
payment under-the-table
extortionate demands
Moreover, with globalization and increased connectivity, transnational criminal syndicates are expanding their illicit trafficking alongside growing legitimate trade flows.
The costs to the industry are huge.
For example, criminals are embedding illegal drugs into the legal movements of people and goods across borders. More drugs are now being transported using the same infrastructure and routes as legitimate trade.
At a macro level, corruption in the maritime sector constitutes a non-tariff trade barrier that is driving up trade costs and impeding economic and social development.
Cost of Corruption
at company level
In Indonesia, the cost of bribes is higher than the salary of a truck driver.
Corruption is damaging the reputation of the industry and driving away much needed investment.
At a micro level, for shipping companies, corrupt demands lead to delays, inefficiency, an unsafe working environment and other commercial consequences.
Corruption hinders trade, increases costs and, above all, has a profound and negative impact on ships’ captains and crew who come under pressure when rejecting demands.
Stay informed and help us fight for justice and equality.
With a focus on the Maritime Industry throughout Asia, Maritime Fairtrade believes Education and Awareness Empower Individuals to trigger change and positively influence industries.
The concepts of Ethical Business Practice and transparency must motivate all industry leaders to elevate their own business and operation.
We invite our readers to support the cause and be part of the fight against corruption.