Annjil Chong, Malaysia Correspondent, Maritime Fairtrade

AnnJil Chong

Malaysia Correspondent

AnnJil Chong was born and raised in Seremban, Malaysia, a vibrant city full of cultural diversity. Growing in a matriarchal Minangkabau culture, where women were the leaders, gave her the courage to be strong-willed and powerful.

AnnJil’s professional journey began when she earned her Master’s degree from National Taiwan Normal University and was subsequently appointed by Taiwan-based media, DIGITIMES as a tech journalist. She does not have any background in journalism, yet her fervor for writing is evident from the work she has produced. During her tenure there, she specialized in areas such as semiconductor supply chain, electric vehicles supply chain, drone, NFT, cybersecurity, blockchain, net zero, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), circular economy, and renewable energy, among others.

As an expat in Taiwan, which was particularly impacted by the global warming phenomena such as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and rising sea levels, AnnJil was keenly aware of the need to take action. The seed planted in her heart spurred her to take up climate change awareness as an issue, leading her to the intention of living in an eco-village and building strong friendships with eco-communities across Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, the Netherlands, and Colombia.

After an eight-year stay in Taiwan, Chong returned to Malaysia in August 2022. She desires to be a change agent in the maritime sphere and dedicates her time to revealing the reality and raising awareness about important maritime issues in her home country.

annjil chong

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