Board of Industry Experts
Maritime experts from across Asia.
Philip Teoh
Maritime Lawyer
Partner, Head of Practice
Shipping, Insurance, Litigation & Arbitration Practice Group
Azmi & Associates
Dr. Collin Koh Swee Lean
Research Fellow (Naval and Maritime Affairs)
Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies,
Nanyang Technological University
Captain James Foong
Master Mariner (New Zealand)
MBA Shipping & Logistics (Middlesex University)
Fellow, Nautical Institute UK
Associate Fellow, Royal Institute of Navigation
Dr Aziz J Mulla
Postdoc Research Fellow (Coral reef recovery)
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Ken Soh
Maritime cybersecurity expert
Group CIO and CEO, Athena Dynamics
Kenlip Ong
Maritime 3D printing expert
CEO, Pelagus 3D