CMA CGM Foundation mobilizes for national food drive

In the face of growing food insecurity, which now affects 7 million people in France, the CMA CGM Foundation is renewing its support for the French Food Banks Federation for the third year running. 

For the third year in a row, 120 CMA CGM Group staff members participated in the National Food Drive from November 22 to 24 in Food Banks supermarkets and warehouses in Marseille, Le Havre and the French Overseas Departments, as part of the CMA CGM Foundation’s skills sponsorship program. 

In the Bouches-du-Rhône department, 15 trucks and 15 drivers will also be mobilized to transport the products collected in the supermarkets to and from the Food Banks’ central warehouse in Marseilles, thereby improving the efficiency and reducing the costs of the logistical arrangements put in place to ensure the success of the drive. 

The Food Banks play an essential role in the distribution of food aid in France, particularly through the extensive network of their partner associations, which receive food from their branches throughout the country. 

To organize the distribution of such large quantities as those managed by the Food Banks each year, logistics are essential. The Foundation makes a significant contribution by mobilizing the logistical expertise and industrial facilities of the CMA CGM Group. 

In 2024, CMA CGM’s subsidiary CEVA Logistics offered to transport more than 500 tons of food by road to 76 warehouses and branches of the Food Banks Federation in France. 

To improve storage and distribution capacities in La Réunion, Guadeloupe and Martinique, the CMA CGM Foundation has donated 4 refrigerated containers to local food banks. This equipment will prove essential to preserve the quality of the food and ensure the distribution of quality products to the beneficiaries. 

Through its financial support, the CMA CGM Foundation also enabled the purchase of logistical equipment such as utility vehicles, handling equipment and generators, which are key to meeting the logistical needs linked to the specific characteristics of these territories. It also enabled the purchase of essential food aid, in particular locally produced fruit and vegetables, to diversify and improve the nutritional quality of meals. 

In addition, as part of its Containers of Hope humanitarian maritime transport program, the Foundation has also taken on the transport of 1,000 tons of food to the 3 ultra-marine food banks in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion Island since 2022.

Photo credit: CMA CGM Group

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