G20 supports gender inclusive approach in private infrastructure projects

At the 4th G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting in Washington DC from 12 to 13 October, the G20 noted the Preliminary Findings Report on Gender Inclusive Approaches in Private Participation in Infrastructure to close gender related gaps in infrastructure projects and align private sector investment decision-making around gender inclusion.

In integrating gender issues, gender inclusion, and empowerment of women and girls to close gender-related project gaps in infrastructure and align private sector investment decision-making around gender inclusion, the Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF) and Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), housed within the World Bank initiated a survey to better analyze the perceptions of private financial companies using semi-structured interviews conducted with private investors and lenders investing in or financing infrastructure projects in EMDE. 

The survey provides insight into: gender awareness levels of investors and lenders; gender considerations during the investment decision-making process; and gender integration throughout the project cycle.

The main findings of the survey resulted in various recommendations for mainstreaming gender in infrastructure investment by providing an understanding of the relationship between infrastructure development and the barriers faced by women compared to men. 

The recommendations obtained have been adapted for key stakeholders participating in the infrastructure project life cycle at emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE), such as governments, multilateral development banks/development finance institutions (MDB/DFI), and private investors and lenders.

This report explains how private investors view gender inequality and the importance of it for their investments and also examines the perceptions of private investors and lenders regarding gender equality and the inclusion of women and girls in infrastructure services and facilities in EMDEs.

The G20 appreciates the World Bank for its support in developing the Report, which will support the G20 and other relevant stakeholders to close gender related gaps in infrastructure projects and align private sector investment decision making around gender inclusion. The G20 also thanks GIF and PPIAF for their support.

Photo credit: Pexels/ Danu Hidayatur Rahman. A young Indonesian couple.

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