IMO adopts climate change strategy for shipping

The vision is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping and phase them out, as soon as possible in this century. 

Members at the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London have adopted an initial strategy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships.  The vision is to reduce emissions from international shipping and phase them out, as soon as possible in this century.

Reduce GHG emissions by 50%

The initial strategy envisages for the first time a reduction in total GHG emissions from international shipping.  The reduction should peak as soon as possible.  Moreover, the strategy seeks to reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008.  Also, IMO is pursuing efforts towards phasing them out entirely.
The strategy includes a specific reference to “a pathway of CO2 emissions reduction consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature goals”.
The initial strategy represents a framework for members.  It sets out the vision for international shipping, the levels of ambition to reduce emissions and guiding principles.  It also includes measures with possible timelines and their impacts on members. The strategy also identifies barriers and supportive measures including capacity building, technical cooperation and R&D.
This initial strategy is due to be revised by 2023.
IMO has already adopted global mandatory measures to address the reduction in GHG emissions from ships. IMO is also executing global technical cooperation projects to support the capacity of members.  This is particularly for developing countries to implement and support energy efficiency in the shipping sector.

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