Indonesia innovates to increase fisheries’ harvest

Dr. Zulkarnain, Head of Research shares the innovation of FAD booster technique tested in Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java.

Indonesia’s IPB University researchers recently discovered an effective and efficient method of feeding fish in fisheries, known as the “fish aggregating device (FAD) booster” or “speeded FAD”. The head of research, Dr. Zulkarnain, said this method is proven in increasing production by 108 percent, utilizing the FAD, which is a floating lure, light stimuli (optical stimuli) to attract a fish’s vision, and olfactory stimulation to stimulate the fish’s sense of smell and taste.

The trial was carried out in the waters of Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java and is supported by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

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