Koh Shu Yong Director of Global Sustainability American Bureau of Shipping

Koh Shu Yong

Director of Global Sustainability, American Bureau of Shipping

Koh Shu Yong serves as director of global sustainability, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). He is responsible for driving ABS’ sustainability strategy and assisting ship owners and operators with achieving their sustainability and ESG goals through industry-leading support and digital solutions.

Shu Yong has been involved in various sustainability initiatives and is actively tackling the challenges of the maritime and shipping industry for the development into the future. He works on energy, emissions and innovative technologies associated with alternative fuels, taking into account technical, environmental regulatory and economic factors.

Shu Yong holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree in naval architecture from Newcastle University, a Master of Science degree in maritime studies and a Professional Master of Business Administration degree (PMBA) in international trading from Nanyang Technological University.

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