Liz Lagniton, content manager, Philippines

Liz Lagniton

Content Manager


Liz is the Content Manager of Maritime Fairtrade and a journalist with over 15 years of experience covering pivotal issues in the Philippines. Her passion for human interest stories led her to explore the maritime industry in 2021, producing pieces on key maritime issues in her region since then.

Her dedication to storytelling has enabled Liz to create content published on both online and offline news platforms, reaching diverse readerships. Beyond journalism, Liz has a background in content creation, management, and optimization across various platforms, including web and social media.

With her expertise in digital journalism, Liz excels in crafting content that engages target audiences and fosters interaction. Her commitment to staying abreast of digital advancements ensures her work consistently meets industry standards. While based in Manila, you’ll find her adventuring here and there.

Liz lagniton

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