Upon border reopening, Malaysia as a regional trading and manufacturing hub, has to have enough skilled professionals to ensure that all business activities are up and running efficiently, especially in the maritime, aviation and hospitality industries.
In light of this uptick, it is timely that Malaysia’s Halim Mazmin celebrated the maiden graduation of 122 students from the group’s education arm comprising Meritus University, Meritus College and HM Aerospace (pilot training program) on March 27. The convocation is held at the Matrade Exhibition and Convention Centre (MECC), in Kuala Lumpur.
Of the 30 from Meritus University, which started operations in 2016, three graduated with MBA while 27 graduated with BSc (Hons) degree in Maritime Business.

The founder of Halim Mazmin, Tan Sri Dr. Halim Mohammad, said that he set up an education division within the group with the aim to continuously produce skilled workforce for the industry.
“I will stop at nothing in the pursuit of new knowledge to pass on to our graduates,” he said.
According to him, there are about 160,000 job opportunities under Malaysia’s five-year maritime industry master plan 2017 – 2022.
“In Malaysia alone, there are huge job opportunities offered by the maritime industry for graduates in maritime studies. Those with good maritime qualifications are highly sought after in the maritime eco-system,” said Tan Sri Halim. In fact, they have been offered permanent jobs while doing internship, he added.
“Hence, the courses offered by Meritus University are unique as they were designed with significant input from the maritime and wider logistics industries to meet their needs. Graduates from Meritus University have all been employed upon completion of their studies.
“Meritus University graduates hit the ground running as we have equipped them well and employers appreciate in not having to spend time and money training these new hires as they would have had to do so in the past.”
According to Tan Sri Halim, a mariner himself, the maritime industry plays an important role in the country’s economy and contributes about 40 percent to the GDP. “As you can see, the maritime industry flourished and emerged least scathed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.
Despite its infancy, Meritus University’s unique approach to education through offering a practical and effective blend of experiential learning with full industry immersion has already made waves in ensuring the success of its graduates.
Anchored by its strong linkage to the maritime industry, Meritus University is the first higher education institution in Malaysia to offer the BSc (Hons) degree in Maritime Business to meet the ever-growing need for talent within the maritime and wider logistics eco system. Other programs include Foundation in Business Management, MSc in Shipping and Trade, MBA and PhD in Maritime Business

The mode of learning, partially conducted at a floating campus the “Sail Training Ship Puteri Mahsuri”, and taught by faculty members currently working in the industry, is the key differentiator that produced graduates that are much sought after by employers. The program has earned the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport accreditation.
Meritus College saw 48 of its students graduated with Diploma in Hotel Management while another 24 with Diploma in Aviation (Pilot Training). Meanwhile, 20 cadet pilots of HM Aerospace received CPL I/R & Frozen ATPL award and were also presented with their wings.
All photos credit: Meritus University