MSC using 30% biofuel blends

MSC has started to use biofuel in its vessels calling in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to reduce an estimated 15-20% in CO2 emissions.

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has started to use biofuel in its vessels calling in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
“When using such blended fuel, we can expect an estimated 15-20% reduction in absolute CO2 emissions,” said Bud Darr, Executive Vice President, Maritime Policy & Government Affairs, MSC Group.  “The potential CO2 reduction in the bio component of these fuels could reach 80-90%, which we will monitor and confirm over time.”
Following successful trials with biofuel blends, MSC has decided to continue bunkering responsibly sourced biofuel blends on a routine basis.  Responsibly sourced biofuels could provide an alternative solution for the shipping sector to meet the 2030 IMO level of ambition for CO2 emissions intensity reduction, as well as to make significant progress toward the 2050 levels of ambition.
Using biofuel on container ships could significantly help reduce emissions and improve air quality.  International shipping, which is already one of the most regulated global industries, facilitates the way we live our lives today.  90% of the goods we use and consume are transported in container ships, including food, fruit, medicines and electronics.  Container shipping is the world’s most carbon-efficient form of transporting goods – far more so than road or air transport.
For example, transporting a shipload of board games for Christmas between Marseille and Rotterdam would produce 2.6 tons CO2 emissions if carried by sea (1 ship).  If carried by road, we would need 60 trucks to transport the same amount of board games and the total emissions would jump to 11.5 tons.
The evolving regulatory landscape and rising expectations of customers, stakeholders and investors present challenges to the shipping industry but are also a positive force that drives progress and creates a shift towards an even more sustainable business.
MSC remains fully supportive of decarbonising the shipping industry.  At the same time, it recognises that some major breakthroughs, especially in fuel and propulsion technologies, are needed to shift the industry towards a zero-carbon future.

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