1. “There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny — they should be setting the example of transparency.” — Edward Snowden.
When did he say it? In a Q&A organised by The Guardian between the NSA whistleblower and the readers of the newspaper.
2. “Anyone who wants to tackle corruption must be willing to go all the way. There are no shortcuts.” — Oby Ezekwesili.
When did she say it? In a roundtable on anti-corruption with Transparency International Nigeria, CISLAC, in Abuja (2018).
3. “The evil of corruption reaches into every corner of the world. It lies at the heart of the most urgent problems we face — from economic uncertainty, to endemic poverty, to the ever-present threat of radicalisation and extremism.” — David Cameron.
When did he say it? At the Anti-Corruption Summit in London back in 2016.
4. “The truth will always be our shield against corruption.” — Oprah Winfrey.
When did she say it? Those were Oprah’s powerful words of wisdom for the 2018 graduating ceremony at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. You can watch the full speech here.
5. “If corruption is a disease, transparency is a central part of its treatment.” — Kofi Annan.
When did he say it? In a video message for Transparency International’s 20th Anniversary in 2013.
6. “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” — Dalai Lama
When did he say it? In an interview with The Telegraph back in 2012.
7. “Radical Transparency. There is no going backwards. We must ensure that greater transparency will drive the prevention and uncovering of corruption in the years ahead.” — Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank.
When did he say it? In the opening remarks at the Anti-Corruption Summit 2016 in London.
8. “Fighting corruption is not an end in itself. But there is a fight for social justice, for peace and for security.” — Huguette Labelle, chair of the International Anti-Corruption Conference council and former chair of Transparency International.
When did she say it? At the closing ceremony of the 18th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Copenhagen.
9. “The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst.” — David Hume.
When did he say it? This idea appears in his book The Natural History of Religion.
10. “Corruption in the form of bribery and misuse of public funds is a major obstacle to democracy and economic development in many of the world’s poor countries.” — Ulla Tørnæs, Denmark’s Minister for Development Cooperation.
When did she say it? These words were part of the video message that the minister used to announce in Panama that the 18th IACC would take place in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Source: Transparency International. Transparency International is the global coalition fighting against corruption.