Observe the unfolding of ship arrest proceedings led by lawyers.
See the live action ship arrest by a team of young and dynamic law officers from the Malaysian law firm of Azmi & Associates. The team is headed by Philip Teoh, partner and head of Admiralty and Shipping Practice. Philip is an Industry Expert of Maritime Fairtrade. He has been in legal practice in Singapore and Malaysia for the past 33 years. He is also an international arbitrator and has written key practitioners texts for the industry.
Discover the typical process of ship arrest as followed by English Admiralty Courts, elucidating each step involved. Gain insights from legal experts and practitioners to offer a comprehensive view of the diverse approaches to this crucial facet of maritime law enforcement.
Delve into the challenges posed by claims and disputes within the shipping industry, which often span multiple countries and legal jurisdictions. Explore the significance of in rem enforcement within Admiralty Law, with a particular focus on the practice of ship arrest.
Investigate how various countries, including the United States, China, and India, handle ship arrests and the prerequisites for establishing maritime liens.