European shipowners and maritime technology industry call for decisive actions against unfair trade practices. They are advocating for global level playing field.
SEA Europe and ECSA welcome the recent statement of EU Trade Commission Cecilia Malmström. The statement is against unfair trade practices in the Far East. They call upon the EC and the EU Member States to take concrete and decisive actions against such practices.
They are in favor of a true global level playing field for the European industry.
Market-oriented conditions, rules-based trade, and open markets are essential because these will allow European companies to operate internationally.
SEA Europe and ECSA are the trade associations representing respectively European shipbuilding and maritime equipment and European shipowners.
Doing what is necessary
Commissioner Malmström stressed that the EC will do what is necessary to shield European shipowners, shipyards and maritime equipment manufacturers from the negative impact from competitive distortions resulting from massive subsidies from China and South Korea.
The Commissioner said the EU is engaging with Chinese counterparts and key shipbuilding nations to address market-distorting practices. She also said that the EC is paying close attention to South Korea’s support measures in favour of local shipyards.
SEA Europe Secretary General Christophe Tytgat said the support measures from South Korea are an example of unfair competitive distortions.
By creating artificial demands through state aid, South Korea has contributed to today’s severe overcapacity in merchant shipbuilding and shipping.
This will have dramatic, far-reaching consequences for all market players. Firstly for European shipbuilding and also for European shipowners and the entire maritime value chain.
ECSA Secretary General Martin Dorsman said the South Korean reform plan is greatly concerning because they create an uneven playing field.
Moreover, they also hamper the free and equal access to international maritime transport and contribute to the global overcapacity.
“Part of this plan is also the support to secure stable cargoes for Korean flagged vessels, which is a flag reservation measure of a particularly protectionist character. At a time that protectionist trends are rising, we ask Europe to send a strong message in support of free, fair and rules-based trade.”