Singapore trials charging concepts for electric harbor craft

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has selected the Pyxis Energy, Pyxis Maritime and SP Mobility partnership, Seatrium O&G (International), and Yinson Electric, for their vessel charging concepts to be piloted in Singapore. The proposal by Pyxis and SP Mobility will be deployed at Marina South Pier, while MPA will work with Seatrium and Yinson to further develop their concepts prior to testing.

The selection follows the call for proposal (CFP) by MPA on 29 August 2023 to develop, operate, and maintain electric harbor craft (e-HC) charging points in Singapore. 

The Pyxis and SP Mobility partnership’s proposed concept is based on Direct Current (DC) charging, and was selected for the viability of the proposed price charging model and their experience and good track record of implementing charging points for electric vehicles.

Their proposed charging point also complies with the national electric vehicle charging standard set by Technical Reference 25:2022, which was used as a proxy for this CFP while MPA is developing the national standards for charging infrastructure for e-HC. 

The partnership also plans to operate its fleet of e-HCs at Marina South Pier and these e-HCs will serve as the base offtake to ensure optimization of the charging infrastructure and enable comprehensive data to be gathered during the pilot.

The pilot is planned from March 2024 to March 2026 with an option to extend by another year to March 2027. Pending the pilot’s outcome and findings, the concept could be applied to other sites to support e-HC operations in the Port of Singapore.

Insights from the data collected will also contribute towards the development of a national e-HC charging infrastructure masterplan, implementation plan, and also the national standards for e-HC charging infrastructure to support e-HC operations in Singapore. 

MPA has also assessed potential in the concept proposed by Seatrium O&G (International), and a high power (350-450kW) DC Charger proposed by Yinson Electric. MPA will continue working with the two companies to further develop their proposals for future applications in Singapore through R&D collaboration.

From 2030, all new harbor craft operating in the Port of Singapore will have to be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen. MPA plans to progressively roll out the charging infrastructure for e-HC operations in Singapore from 2025. 

Photo credit: iStock/ joyt

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