Taiwan Revitalizes Fishing Villages 

An exhibition by National Taiwan Ocean University, commissioned by the Fisheries Department of the Council of Agriculture.

In order to revitalize and raise awareness of the contribution of fishing villages to the economy, the Fisheries Department of the Council of Agriculture specially commissioned the National Taiwan Ocean University to launch an exhibition from November 5 to 6 at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, the heart of cultural and creative industry in Taipei.

The government has called for regional revitalization of the fishing villages to increase competitiveness, attract tourism and the younger generation to join local industries like agriculture and fisheries.  

13 distinct fishing villages from all over Taiwan were invited to participate, showcasing different aspects of fishing villages. The venue was divided into five main areas: selling exquisite aquatic products, fishing village sightseeing, applications of artificial intelligence, and DIY experience of fishing innovation.

Read the full story here.

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