Tough but enjoyable life, Seafarer on cruise ship

Kyl Montero, 29 year old Filipino shares his joy and difficulties working on a cruise ship

While working on a cruise ship can be grueling, with long shifts and little time off, it remains a common dream job for many Filipino seafarers because of the attractive benefits it provides. 

Like 29-year-old Kyl Montero from the small island of Camotes in Cebu, Philippines, who now enjoys working on a cruise ship as a hotel assistant, which allows him to travel globally, his dream since he was a child. 

Montero took up a Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, and is currently aboard the Azura under P&O Cruises. He had always dreamed of traveling the world and working on a cruise ship became his passport to travel to various countries for free. 

“Traveling has been my dream for a long time. So, when I found out that working on a cruise ship would allow me to travel, it was a lightbulb moment for me,” Montero told Maritime Fairtrade.   

“I love exploring places since I was a kid. I grew up very idealistic when it comes to the job I was supposed to have. I knew that at some point in my life, I would travel, but [at first] I wasn’t sure how to start. Until I became a seafarer. The rest is history,” he added. 

Read the full story here.

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