The World Ocean Council (WOC) and the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen and promote the effectiveness of sustainability efforts through the development and deployment of digital technology.
The WOC-GeSI partnership will focus on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 – conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development – and linking these ocean goals with those of the GeSI Digital with Purpose Movement.
The Digital with Purpose Movement is the next phase of GeSI’s initiative following the launch of its Digital with Purpose report in 2019. The report found that digital technologies could have a transformational impact on the ability to meet the 2030 Agenda and SDGs. To achieve this, both the ICT sector and other key sectors need to fully integrate the agenda into its activities and organizational culture.
The WOC has stepped forward to engage the ocean business community with the Digital with Purpose Movement and working to establish a mechanism for individual and collective action to catalyze progress on the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement through the development and deployment of digital technology.
The GeSI-WOC collaboration seeks to work with Digital with Purpose to promote the capabilities of digital technologies in ocean-related data collection and analysis, i.e. the WOC SMART Ocean-SMART Industries.
GeSI CEO Luis Neves stated that ocean sustainability represents a major concern and remains a priority area where digital and artificial intelligence capabilities will be fundamental to address current sustainability challenges.